Design and Nano-technologies
04 / 2021 | « DESIGNANO – Designing across scales », Comunity Builduing Seminar, IMERA, Marseille (FR). |
02 / 2019 | « Revolutionary Textiles. A Philosophical Inquiry », open lecture, Design School, Kolding (DK). |
02 / 2018 | « Revolutionary Textiles. A Philosophical Inquiry on Electronic and Reactive Textiles », open lecture, Ethnography Lab, Concordia University, Montreal (CA). |
05 / 2017 | « Interactive Textiles, Reactive Materials, Personalised Mass-Production », open lecture and workshop, University of Washington at Seattle (USA). |
06 / 2016 | « Nano-textiles: on aesthetics of imperceptibility », Keynote: KEA – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (DK). |
02 / 2015 | « Reactive Textiles: On What Makes a Cool Design and How Can a Material Be Fashionable? », open lecture, Arcintex’15, Nottingham Trent University (UK). |
12 / 2012 | « Nanotextiles or the aesthetics of wearwell-ness », open lecture, MutaMorphosis International Conference, Prague (CZ). |
Art, Design and Technology
07 / 2018 | « Cybernetics Models in Economy – an Eastern European perspective »,workshop run together with Ioana Macrea-Toma in the frame of “Attempts, Failures, Trials and Errors” Summer Camp, Oradea (RO). ( |
02 / 2018 | « Attempts, Failures, Trails and Errors », round table, Salonul de Proiecte, Bucharest (RO). ( |
02 / 2018 | « Bricolage, Reversed Engineering and technical Re-Enactement as Strategies for Artistic Interventions », open lecture, Technologies and Improvisation: Tools and Theories for Uncertain Futures Nordic Summer University Ad Hoc Symposium, University of Gothenburg (SE). |
11 / 2017 | « Ethical and Sustainable Textiles. Can textiles products enhance fair working conditions? », open lecture and round table in the frame of WEAR Sustain EU Project, ENSAD Paris (FR). ( |
5 / 2017 | « Methods of Inquiry in Arts and Technology », open lecture, SFAI – San Francisco Art Institute (USA). |
10 / 2016 | « Designatures. Economies of Design, Politics of Participation », open lecture, Critical Discourses Competition, East Centric Architecture Triennale, Bucharest (RO). |
03/2015 | « The Radio Free Europe Archives – between historiographical expression and artistic research», round table,, Bucharest (RO). |
03/2015 | « Signal to Noise and Ghost Veil: presentation of two artistic researches on reconstructing the “otherness” based on archives means », OSA lectures series, Open Society Archives, Budapest (H). |
11 / 2013 | « Design or Not Design: On Open Digital Production and Its Contexts», invited workshop, Amber Festival, Istanbul, (TR). ( |
11 / 2013 | « Desing and Design Education», « Design and Entrepreneurship», round tables chair, “Artists in Industry. Designers”, Plan B Gallery, Paintbrush Factory, Cluj (RO). |
11 / 2012 | « Artists in Industry. The Role of Design in the Digital Age », keynote, “Artists in Industry” International Conference, ‘Ion Mincu“ Architecture and Urbanism University Bucharest (RO). |
02 / 2012 | « Re-playable, Remixing, Referencing, Reaction, Reworking and Recreation in Media Art », invited lecture together with Paidia Institute, IPC Cluster: University of Hull, Scarborough (GB). |
06 / 2011 | ICP Cluster, Research Generator Symposium, workshop, University of Hull, Scarborough (GB). |
06 / 2010 | « Analyse et synthèse chez Kandinsky et Moholy – Nagy » (in French), presentation, Colloquim “La vision dynamique de Moholy-Nagy”, CREDE, Centre St Charles, Paris 1 University Panthéon-Sorbonne (FR). |
06 / 2001 | « Romanian Documentaries of the ’50’s and ‘60’s », open lecture, The Annual Conference of the Cultural Anthropology Institute, “Babes – Bolyai” University, Cluj (RO). |
06 / 2001 | « Art and Censorship », roundtable in the frame of ‘Tranzindex – Workshop in Media Theory, Criticism and Creation“, Tranzit House, Cluj (RO). |
05 / 2001 | « Propaganda Slide -films of ’50s and ’60s », presentation, Tranzit Foundation, Cluj (RO). |
02 / 2001 | « Tranz art in situ – The Rehabilitation of Public Space », presentation in the frame of ‘Tranz art in Situ“ project, Tranzit Foundation, Cluj (RO). |
Physical Computing and E-textiles
09 / 2015 | « The Haptic », open lecture and round table, Sonic Pattern Seminar organised by Craft Council UK, Kaunas Biennale (LT). |
09 / 2015 | « An Internet of Soft Things », presentation in the frame of Artful Spark Talks, Furtherfield, London (UK). |
11 / 2014 | « Aesthetics of Physical Computing », open lecture, Opening of Digital Art Center, Stockholm University (SE). |
08 / 2014 | « Signal to Noise», presentation, Interference Conference, Amsterdam (NL). |
07 – 08 / 2014 | « E – textiles Summer Camp », “Beyond Openness” Panelist, Paillard Centre d’Art Contemporain & Résidence d’Artistes (FR). ( |
08 / 2010 | « Wearables and Smart Textiles », invited lecture at the BAW – Bolyai Art Workshop, 10th Edition, Tg. Mures (RO). |
11 / 2009 | « Phenomenological aspects of interactivity », invited lecture, « Temps d’images» Festival, Cluj (RO). ( |
11 / 2006 | « Fleshing Out – Wearable Interfaces, Smart Materials and Living Fabrics », seminar, De Waag, Amsterdam (NL). ( |