Dimensions: 10 x 20 cm
Materials: Conductive thread, resistors.
Techniques: Embroidery, sewing, soldering.
References / Inspirations: Arduino LilyPad, Little Bits and Circuit Sticker Sketchbook, as well as a Kits-of-no-parts set.
Project description
The Soft Circuitry Kit was conceived to fill the gap between the already existing electronic boards (Lilypad, Arduino mini, Photon, etc.) and the input components of the circuits. It aims to help workshop trainers in their teaching and designers in fast prototyping. The version industrially embroidered includes a capacitive sensors circuit, a force sensing circuit and a matrix sensing circuit. The kit was developed in the frame of “An Internet of Soft Things” project at Nottingham Trent University, UK.
The sample was included in the E-textiles Swatch Exchange 2016 book, a project launched by Hannah Perner-Wilson.
An updated version has been exhibited during the Textile Intersections Conferences 2019 exhibition, Loughborough University, London Campus.
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