Dimensions: 100 x 200 cm.
Materials: Felt, Arduino board, sound sensors, servo-motors.
Technique: Interactive textile installation
Project description
Hedgehog Fabric is a flexible device inspired by the way hedgehogs react to different sound stimuli. It is a project which tries to draw attention to the increased noise pollution. The rhythms of modern city life are generally accompanied by an increased, excessive environmental noise that disrupts in human life. The Hedgehog Fabric combines flexible textiles support with dynamic structures controlled electronically with the help of an Arduino board. When the intensity of sound increases, the dynamic structures will set out its „spines” becoming unfriendly in order to protect itself.
Presented in the frame of Haptosonics exhibition, Atelier Nord Oslo, Norway (October 2013), at E-textile Summer Camp, Paillard Contemporary Art Center, France (July 2014) and in the frame of Tribe against Machine, Red Room, Taipei (TW) (September 2017).
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