CALL FOR PAPERS – Studia UBB Philosophia : Nomadic, Migrating, Commuting, Wearable Technologies and Their Infrastructures
November 29, 2016 |

Call for Papers for August 2017 issue of Studia UBB Philosophia : 

Nomadic, Migrating, Commuting, Wearable Technologies and  Their Infrastructures

One of the central issues of the present political agenda is the migration crisis. Apart from economical and environmental migration, we assisted in the latest years to the exacerbation of some political conflicts and implicitly to a political-based migration too. The intensification of the phenomena and the debates around migration force us to look back in history and to analyse our political parti-prises. Tragic images of migrants’ attempts to cross the Mediterranean Sea or traversing other migration corridors were doubled by welcomed or hostile reactions of authorities in the destination countries. The press did not spare us details about the migration routes, infrastructures, migrants’ packsacks, clothes and their smart technologies (see, for example, Meyer, 2015).

For those who are not obliged to migrate, the present work flexibility pushes them to a rather increased commute between their homes and their working places. New economies started to take roots and support such developments, such as Airbnb hosting models or low-cost flights.

The technological developments aim today towards the miniaturisation of electronic devices and their integration into the “fabric” of our lives (Weiser, 1995). The very expected revolution of wearables technologies promises to support us in our travels and commutes and to make us “equipped” individuals (Ghiu, 2010). Augmenting our bodies, the questions they raise is how and for what do they equip us? And in the perspective of an internet of things, to which networks do they integrate or restrict us?

Traveling for one reason or another, traveling short or long distances, settling or not settling to destinations are some of the aspects that make up the differences between nomadism, migration or commuting. Part of human existence, all these travels end up defining life styles. The present times transportation and communication systems play an important role and they challenge our understanding of place or home. Our perception of distance it is also altered. Migration and commuting are redefining the notions of identity, neighbourhood or citizenship, while communication technologies are keeping alive family connections and older or newest imagined communities (Anderson, 1983).

The present call invites papers that question the nomadic, migrating, commuting, wearable technologies and their infrastructures. We are looking to understand what supports roads, migrating corridors, travel and commuting itineraries. Who controls them and what technologies are in place for them? What are the critical aspects of these infrastructures?

We will also like to have an insight into what kind of objects, wearables and devices we are carrying around and what kind of contents and data do they contain. How are these contents and data going to be used and to whom are they important? How these devices are designed, based on which scenarios, using what kind of materials and technical systems? What would someone have like to take with them, but had to leave aside? What kind of wearable technologies are today developed and which ones are really used? And what kind of technologies should we developed for different travel purposes and on what principles?

Moreover, we want to encourage proposals that consider the relationships between traveling and communication infrastructures and the devices and equipments someone carries along in all these pilgrims. In short, we are interested in what carries us and what are we carrying with us. More then just speculative approaches, we encourage case-based studies and researches, technological experiments and critical enquiries.


Prospective authors are encouraged to take into account the following axes and areas connected to the call:

  • Philosophical enquiry: philosophy of technology and media theory, etc.
  • Anthropological and experiential enquiry: phenomenology of nomadic, migrating, commuting processes; anthropological perspectives on nomadic, migrating, commuting and wearable technologies phenomena; sociological and political aspects of todays’ nomadic, migrating and commuting networks, etc.
  • Technical and media enquiry: nomadic, migrating, commuting, wearable technologies; nomadic, migrating and commuting infrastructures; wearable technologies and devices; the relationship between nomadic, migrating and commuting infrastructures and wearable technologies and devices, etc.

Preliminary abstracts (300 words) are due by February 17, 2017. Invitations for full papers submissions will be addressed by March 20, 2017. The papers and reviews will be selected from the proposals on the basis of double blind peer reviews. Authors should address the full papers before May 14, 2017 and will be notified on the results via email by June 16, 2017.



Abstracts submission dead-line: February 17, 2017.

Invitation for full papers by: March 20, 2017.

Full papers submission dead-line: May 14, 2017.

Notification of acceptance: June 16, 2017.

Publication: August 2017.


Papers should be written in English, French or German and should be 5000-8000 words. They should be accompanied by a short abstract written in English (maximum 300 words), 3-8 keywords and a short biography.


Submitted abstract and papers should be sent by e-mail to the editorial team: in “.doc” or “.rtf” format as attachments only. Figures can be included into a separate sheet with legend details. They should be high quality (300 dpi for color at the original size) and should be saved as TIFF, PostScript or EPS files.



GHIU, Bodgan. “Imperceptible, Hyperceptible: the New Hodological Condition”, in HEINZEL, Tincuta (ed.). Art, Space and Memory in the Digital Era, Paideia Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010.

MEYER, Christoph. “Handys sind für Flüchtlinge kein Luxus”, in Süddeutsche Zeitung, 11 August 2015, On-line:

“Habiter le campement” Exhibition, 13th of April – 29th of August 2016, Cité de l’Architecture, Paris. Website:

WEISER, Mark. “The Computer for the 21st Century”, in Scientific American, 1991, On-Line: .

ANDERSON, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London, Verso, 1983.



For the submission of the papers, please follow the guidelines specified on the journal’s blog:



Studia UBB. Philosophia is an open access double-blind peer reviewed journal devoted to promote a high level of academic research on innovative subjects and emergent topics at the crossroads of philosophy, social sciences, art and various professional practices. Established in 1955, the academic journal Studia UBB. Philosophia, issued by the Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of History and Philosophy, of Babes-Bolyai University Cluj, strives to foster a strong collaboration among senior and junior researchers from Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca and from abroad. The journal is indexed in the following international data bases: EBSCOCEEOLIBSSE-JournalsOLIX-OPACLIBRISLIRIASESTERCEEASACNP and it is officially acknowledged by Romanian National University Research Council (CNCSIS).


For more information please contact:


Associated Professor Ion COPOERU (philosopher – “Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj, Romania), Email: copoeru(at)


Issue Coordinator:

Dr. Tincuta HEINZEL (artist, designer and researcher – “Ion Mincu” Architecture and Urban Planning University Bucharest, Romania), Email: tinca(at)


Issue Co-Editors:  

– Prof. Dana DIMINESCU (sociologist – I3-SES, CNRS, Télécom ParisTech, Paris-Saclay University, France), Email: dana.diminescu(at);

– Dr. Clotilde FELIX-FROMENTIN (interior architect, designer and researcher – LACTH, Graduate School of Architecture and Landscape, Lille, France), Email: clotilde.felixfromentin(at);

– Prof. Zilvinas LILAS (artist, curator and researcher – KHM-Academy of Media Arts , Cologne, Germany), Email: zlilas(at);

– Prof. Dr. Lasse SCHERFFIG (artist and computer scientist – San Francisco Art Institute, USA), Email: lscherffig(at)