Other Outputs

OTHER OUTPUTS (peer reviewed)

Kera, D., Igelbrock, J.C., Mihaleva, G, Heinzel, T., Perner-Wilson, H., Ho, J. (2020). « Workshop on Experiments with Algo-governance and Future-Making: STS Scholars as Designers », in Proceedings of the 4S/EASST 2020 Conference Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and Agency of STS in Emerging Worlds, Prague, Czech Republic (online).

Heinzel, T. (2018). « Bricolage, Reversed Engineering and technical Re-Enactement as Strategies for Artistic Interventions », selected presentation, Technologies and Improvisation: Tools and Theories for Uncertain Futures” Nordic Summer University Ad Hoc Symposium, University of Gothenburg (SE). 

Heinzel, T. (2014). « Artists in Industry. Challenges of collecting a missing piece of puzzle of the Romanian institutionalized textile history », selected presentation, Pasold Conference, Goldsmiths University, London. (http://www.gold.ac.uk/history/research/pasoldconference/).        

Heinzel, T. (2012). « Nanotextiles or the aesthetics of wearwell-ness », selected presentation, MutaMorphosis International Conference, Prague (CZ). (http://www.artisttalk.eu/tincuta-heinzel-ro/)                     

Pârv, T. (2007). « Fibers, Links and Networks – a parallel between Textiles, Social Networks and Data Communication Systems », selected paper, New Network Theory International Conference, Amsterdam (NL). (http://www.networkcultures.org/_uploads/27.pdf).

Pârv, T. (1997). « De la nécessité de crée un centre d’art contemporain, point de départ pour une ouverture internationale », selected paper, C.E.P. – International Student Conference,C.E.U., Central European University, Budapest (H). 


OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS (specialized press publications)

Popescu, I., Heinzel, T. (2018). « Attempts, Failures, Trials and Errors. An Attempt at Design Reconstruction », in Zeppelin Journal, no.151 / September – November 2018, pp. 106-113.

Heinzel, T. (2016).  « Soft Circuitry Kit », in eTextile Swatchbook 2016. (http://etextilesummercamp.org/swatch-exchange/circuits-kit/). 

Heinzel, T. (2015). « What’s a fabric? Concepts and Approaches to Modern Textile Design », in Architectura Journal, no.3 / 2015, pp. 72-77.

Heinzel, T. in collaboration with Advanced Textiles Research Group / Nottingham Trent University (2015). « Drawing Sensors », in eTextile Swatchbook 2015. (http://etextile-summercamp.org/swatchexchange/drawing-sensors/).  

Pârv, T. (2007). « Socialism, Avant-garde, and the Western Europeans », Catalogue of Bucharest Biennale, Pavilion – journal for politics and culture, no.10-11, pp. 64-67.

Pârv, T. (2006). « The Chaos of the World of Art », Pavilion – journal for politics and culture, no.9, pp. 94-99.

Pârv, T. (2001). « Cenzura în dezbatere », in Observator Cultural, no.87, 23 – 29 October 2001, pp. 13. (in Romanian)

Pârv, T. (2000). « Note pe marginea Trienalei de Tapiserie 2000 », in Observator Cultural, no.39, 21 November 2000, pp. 23. (in Romanian)



Heinzel, T. (2012) « Textiles électroniques et réactifs. Fondements et textures », PhD Dissertation, Paris 1University Panthéon-Sorbonne. (in French).                  

Pârv, T. (2004). « Les médias tactiques ou sur l’innovation aujourd’hui », MA (DEA) Thesis, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. (in French).

Pârv, T. (2003). « La Gaîté Lyrique – genèse d’un centre dédié aux musique actuelles et aux arts numériques », MA (DESS) Thesis, l’Université d’Avignon et Pays du Vaucluse (FR). (in French)

Pârv, T. (2001). « Documentarul românesc în anii 50 – 60 – o perspectivă antropologică », MA (DEA) Thesis, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj (RO). (in Romanian)